
Last days.

I'm taking a break from my homework, which I'm approximately 1/3 of the way through. For this day, at least. I'm rather happy with the assignment that I just completed for my Illustrator class, however. It took me about 5 or 6 hours, not because I didn't know how to use the tools I was using, but because I wasn't sure what I wanted the end to look like. That's been a problem with a lot of the projects that I've done for my Illustrator class. There are assigned goals for each lesson, but they're more to do with "Create and use layers" or "Create a clipping mask" or such minor things.

The first project in the class involved us creating a specific object, a radio, which I enjoyed doing quite a bit. Not having to build actual objects is making me lose a bit of interest in the class, though. There are only so many abstract patterns that I'm willing to create before wanting to be done with the thing.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, my professor asked that I retake Illustrator myself even though I am pretty damn good at it already and I took it 15 years ago. A majority of the class is book work type assignments, I hate it!! Not learning a damn thing. We do have a few major projects due which I am pushing the boundaries on the assignments so I can actually learn something.
