This is one of the projects which I'll be working on over the next few weeks. It's really easy, and I'm pretty sure a monkey could do it. A monkey that understands Photoshop, that is. I'm only an ape that understands Photoshop. I don't even have a prehensile tail, how lame is that?
So I'm not 100% sure what this image will be used for, really. The guy I'm working with is this artsy guy that comes into my work, and he sort of explained what he's trying to do, and I got a vague impression that he was trying to do something good. Well, I also got the vague impression that he just really wants to make a name for himself and make a bit of cash, but whatever, that's his prerogative. I just offered up my skills and knowledge of Photoshop, and while this was fairly tedious, it isn't the worst thing I've ever had to do.
I think I'll take a break, though, and fix my Robot v Ant image. I really want to fix that - it's been driving me nuts thinking about it.
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