Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. I'm so relieved that it's the end of the quarter. It was just so jam-packed of things to do, that I didn't seem to get anything thing done. Thus is life, I guess.
I still have one last project to do, but it's pretty basic, just long-winded. I'll post an update on that one later, seeing as it's pretty awesome, actually.
Now what to do for spring break? Well, I'm glad you asked. I actually have two side-projects that I have to get through before school starts again. One is pretty awesome, the other sort of meh.
The one I'm looking forward to getting done is a collaboration between myself and another gent from a forum I frequent. He wrote a sci-fi story and wants it illustrated, in order to make a video-comic of it. It's a cool story, if a bit long (ok, I'm just lazy). As this project progresses, I'll post more about it, especially the work I'm doing on it.
In other news, I'm really glad that school is out. Did I mention that?
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