
Summer Project: Day One

Now that school is out, I have at least two projects that I want to work on. Wait, make that three. Or is it four? I lost count.

The first project is more of a goal. And that goal is to do a sketch a day throughout the summer, hopefully longer. I'd like it to be as polished as possible, but I don't think I can achieve that everyday. So, some days it'll be a quickie, some days a more complete image. Probably all, or at least most, will be composed in Photoshop.

More on the other projects later, I think.

Day One:


Printmaking posters.

These are the posters for my digital printmaking class. I've definitely enjoyed this class, and it's made me want to take more printmaking classes. Combined with my typography class, I also want to take a letterpress class.

Typography poster

Last project for my typography class. I've really enjoyed this class and I think I've learned a bit.



These are the two that I'm most satisfied with. I'd upload the other two, but I think I'm going to go crazy on them tomorrow, so I'll update then.


Good news everyone!

My illustration was accepted for the Prop 8 article. I'm published! I look forward to reading the article that I illustrated for.

The original sketch of the illustration was favored over the cleaner Illustrator version of it. I don't get it, but I can like it.